How to play? basics of chess

1.     The chess board is an 8×8 square grid, with each square being either black or white.

2.     Each player starts with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns.

3.     The objective of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king, which means to put the king in a position where it is under attack and cannot escape capture.

4.     The game begins with the pawns in the second row and the other pieces in the first row. The player with the white pieces moves first.

5.     Each piece has its own unique movement pattern, for example, the pawn can only move forward one square at a time, while the rook can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically.

6.     A pawn can capture an opponent’s piece diagonally, but can only move forward one square at a time.

7.     If a pawn reaches the opponent’s side of the board, it can be promoted to a queen, rook, bishop, or knight.

8.     When a player puts the opponent’s king in check, the opponent must get out of check on the next move. If the king is in checkmate, the game is over.

9.     If a stalemate is reached, the game is a draw.

10.  There are a few special moves in chess, such as castling and en passant, you can learn more about these moves as you play and practice more.

11.  The chess clock is used in competitive chess to track the time each player takes for their own moves.

12.  Touch-move rule: if a player touches one of their own pieces, they must move it if it is a legal move.



